We are a group of nature-loving individuals who connect the chain of people, resources, and specialties to manage the sustainable wildcraft of select limited products from Canadian forests.
“This is a really nice addition to include in my overall wellness arsenal. I've been using the product for a month now and noticed increased energy and overall well-being. Looking forward to trying more products from Canadian Pine Pollen in the future.”
“Excellent product. I notice a difference on how I feel. Energy is up and it's a very healing product. Read the information on it from the company. It works. Well done and thank you! I will continue to take it! I plan to check out the mushroom product next!”
“I have seen some positive changes in my energy alone with using Pine Pollen. Love it! I have tried both flavours with the tincture: Lodgepole pine and Ponderosa pine. Personally, I prefer the flavour of the ponderosa pine ve lodgepole pine. Lodgepole pin has more of a pine taste.”