“I noticed a reduction in my sugar craving by day 3 which is great! For someone with a sweet tooth. the combination of the of revivalife and the 5 day detox diet which can be found my scan QR code in box I had great results apart from my reduced sugar craving I noticed a decrease in bloating in the evenings and regular bowel movements without an upset tummy. I found myself with more Energy”
“After the second day I started to notice a difference. I felt less sluggish and bloated. By the end I was relieved of my constipation and having bowel movements regularly. I definitely had less sugar cravings. I felt more comfortable and revitalised.”
“I am a person that doesn't have regular bowel movements, I have been this way for years. My normal is once every 3 days. So I can definitely confirm that it helped with regulating bowel movements, and I found that I didn't really crave sweets, like I usually do , especially after dinner. I did tend to get thirsty though , so I drank more water and also I felt less bloated after my meals. Overall I think this is a excellent way to reset your body and wash out your system and I would definitely recommend it.”
“The perfect kickstart to your body. I didn't notice until after consuming for 3 days I wasn't as bloated and wasn't craving sugary food. As soon as I stopped taking the tablets I felt the same as how i felt prior to using them. I would buy this in future when I feel sluggish again.”