“I’ve used CatSpit regular for a few years with good results unless I stirred it too many times and, according to her highness “Jayne” it stank so much she had to go outside the box! ☹️Since I switched to the clumping formula she has not gone outside the box! Thank you for a great product from both Jaynes and me!”
“I have been using this litter since March 2020. I forgot what I love about this litter until I scooped litter at my daughters houses. They have common brand scoopable clay littler that breaks apart, gets gummy, and sticks to all sides of the litter box. Cat Spot is clean, light, and easy to scoop. I can’t imagine ever using another litter.”
“My 2 cats and I both love the All-natural coconut clumping litter. It might not clump as solid as other clumping litters but it does clump and I love knowing it’s all natural. If my cats are given a choice of different boxes they will will pick the one with cat spot clumping litter.”
“I started using the non-clumping litter when my kittens were 6 weeks old. Its so light that they flung lots of it outside the box in their enthusiasm. I had to stop using it then, but went back to it and switched to clumping when they were a sedate 18 months old and calmer. Its great - very light, clumps immediately and kills the odor.”
“Love that the odor (or lack of) is sooo much better than clay or wheat. Don’t like the tracking on paws, but I’m just sweeping and vacuuming much more often. It’s worth it for the low odor.”