“Thanks Tommy !! Thanks Cheech !! I'm an Army Vet and am tested by VA and unfortunately it's a NO THC RULE/LAW (same thing period, end of story !) Smokin' stays in your system for over 30 days and you never know when they test you so I can't smoke, ya dig.. Then comes "Cruise Chews" and Dang man !! I get to feelin' good and it's out of your system in days !! Yeah Man !! You guys did it like I knew you would !! I am one of very many !! And now we can chill and enjoy !! Thanks to you !! Thank you !!”
“The cruise chews are great. They help with my nerve damage pain in my leg from 3rd degree burns. I do 3 chews a day. 1 when I get up, one mid day when the pain starts getting bad, then 1 before bedtime and I sleep like a baby. Thanks Tommy for having such a great product.”