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Antarctica Reviews

4.9 Rating 478 Reviews
The whole programme went extremely well. Hotels were great. I cannot find words to describe the experience in Antartica, Thank you. If the budget had allowed I would have liked to spend more time in Argentina and perhaps trekking in the Andes. We will have to go back, once we have saved up!
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Posted 10 years ago
We had a wonderful expedition to Antarctica - but have to add that the weather was perfect which made the entire trip ideal. The Drake Passage crossing (both ways) was without incident (noted as the Drake Lake). Landed nine times on the Antarctic continent, which is about the most one could expect. The MS Expedition staff (headed by John) were exceptional and the ship's crew superb. Without a doubt, a trip of a lifetime!!
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Posted 10 years ago
This was not my choice of holiday, but it has been on my husband's shortlist since he was a boy. He had a great time. It was pretty much as I expected and planned for, but the kayaking was fabulous. I might have gone stir crazy without the opportunity to get away from the crowd and to be almost alone in tne splendour. The trip cost a lot of money, but it was extremely well planned and run, and not expensive. Please not that gender is a social construct and not a biological fact.
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Posted 10 years ago
One Ocean and Vavilov crew were great and made every effort to ensure our safety and enjoyment
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Posted 10 years ago
Many stops for walks, wildlife, plenty of activities simply wonderful!.
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Posted 10 years ago
One Ocean ran a great Antarctic trip on the Academic Ioffe. It was a great trip. But I wouldn't book through Chimu again.
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Posted 10 years ago
Expedition cruise with G Adventures was fantastic. Expedition staff went above and beyond to ensure that all passangers had a memorable trip. They made every effort to maximize our time spent on the Antartic Peninsular. What an amazing place. Absolutely stunning.
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Posted 10 years ago
Great variety of sites. Zodiac experiences - excellent, safe and well organized. Ship's captain and crew very helpful, informative and adapted quickly to changing situations to the participants benefit. Great & informative lecture series
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Posted 10 years ago