“This is my 3rd or 4th purchase of Clarifion Air ilonizer. I have 2 in our bedroom, 1 in the laundry room, 1 in kitchen and 1 in the dining room. Love it because ever since I bought my 1st purchase right away I put in my bedroom I haven’t had any asthma attacks. knock on wood. This last purchase I bought is for my daughter and my grandkids and the other set is for my son and his wife they have a dog. Hopefully they will tell me that how it changes their life. Like it changed mine.”
“I am on day 5 . That blue light is bad when trying to sleep. Not only the device blue light, but the blue light in the dark bedroom shining on wall & ceiling.”
“I use three full home air purifiers each of which provides a number for my air purity. Since adding your units I haven't seen any improvement. My room air is 94.3% It has not risen since adding nine units I'll wait a while longer but may return them to you”