“Gordon is an exceptionally talented and friendly artist with a wealth of knowledge. The class was incredibly valuable, providing me with invaluable techniques that I am already applying to my own work. We successfully completed the first layer of my painting during the session, which reignited my passion for art. Straight after the class, I was eager to continue working on the piece and I was even motivated to revisit some of my older unfinished artworks. I would recommend this class to complete beginners or anyone looking to improve their skills. The 2.5 hour session was the most rewarding I have ever attended, and I look forward to booking future classes with Gordon.”
“Amazing experience that I would highly recommend. We got so much done in such a short time under the careful guidance of our teacher. I am hooked and will use Class bento again.”
“I really enjoyed the class, the teacher was very knowledgeable and helped with your painting. We had never used oil paints before but both produced a picture in the time! Would recommend class to anyone wanting to try out or improve their oil painting skills”
“An outstanding, quite surreal art experience. Probably the best session in art I have ever attended. Gordon's approach is calm, patient and encouraging; somehow making you find what you need to change to improve and then guiding you with enthusiasm along the right path.”