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Combo9 Bundle - Atomic9 + Tectonic9 Gray Reviews

3.2 Rating 5 Reviews
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I came to purchase the grinder and ended up purchasing this bundle as the vape was interesting. I have had it for 2 months now and probably used it 5 times. I have been smoking for over 50 years and this vape was a waste of money. You have to make sure none of the holes are blocked you have to warm it up you have to make sure it isn't packed in. I think I will smoke and turn it on well that takes time so by the time it warms up I have moved on to something that I can smoke right away and turn around to check the vape well it has turned off. I can say the few times I did take the time it was a nice smoke. But I wished I did not waste my money on this cause now it is just tucked away.
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Posted 1 year ago
Thomas Caruso
Verified Reviewer
this is the 2nd bundle i have purchased, and if i would not have purchased two. I would not have know that the gray one( my 2nd one) dose not work very well! in comparison to the first one. this one take twice aslong to heat up! the battery life is half the time of the other one!!! Maybe this ones refurbished? not happy with this one!!! gray one
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Posted 1 year ago
Eugene Manantan
Verified Reviewer
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Posted 3 years ago
Preston Luber
Verified Reviewer
My review of the Cloudious9 Atomic9 vaporizer and Tectonic9 Grinder . Having been a big fan of the original Hydrology9 and the new NX model I was anxious to see how the Atomic9 performed. I must admit I was totally spoiled by the water filtration system on the two Hydrology9 models due to the coolness and ease of draw. . When the Atomic9 arrived today it was charged so I tried it immediately using 374F. After more than 54 years of being involved with cannabis my lungs and throat “ain’t what they used to be” so I use as low a temperature as possible. At this temperature I was able to get two sessions out of one filling that yielded very light barely visible vapor yet the effect was evident. . As I suspected the draw was not like that of the water filtered units but it was better than the other portables I have tried. I had one session with the bowl packed tightly and tamped down and that presented a challenge in getting and easy draws. I have a second session with the bowl filled but not tamped and the draw was improved a great deal. . I then set the temperature at 392F and this produced flavorful and visible vapor. The effects were more pronounced as well. I use 383-401F on the Hydrology9’s so this was in the same range I am used to. At this temperature using filled bowl with no tamping I got one very productive session and the emptied bowl revealed a light brown toasted post vaporized amount. . This portable pocket sized vaporizer is a welcome addition to my other Cloudious9 family of vaporizers. I am delighted with my purchase. I use 0.2g or less per session and this makes my Cloudious9 vaporizers an economical and effective way of medicating . The Tectonic9 grinder that was part of the Atomic9 bundle is a high quality device that makes grinding the herbs simple and the size allows my hand to better fit the unit’s top and rotation is a breeze. I find that the drier the leaf, the better for this grinder’s vibrating distribution system. . In a test the dry weed flowed out easily and it was easy to control the power button. Using fresher weed which was still a bit spongy it took extra force to turn the top and grind it and it tended to clog up at the spout when being vibrated out. For me this is not an issue because I bought it for the quality of the parts and it makes a nice hi tech looking stash container Well thought out. . I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the sales and support staff who have gone above and beyond to assure my association with their company and products is worry free and informative. Thank you Amanda if you are reading this, for the great customer serivice. .
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Posted 3 years ago
Brilliant, reliable, sexy, fun!
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Posted 3 years ago