“Well I wish it was designed big enough to hold a full bag of pellets.
Aso would have been nice if they had designed it so there was a deflector on the back of the lit so if you over fill it putting the pellets in it they don't fall out the back.
The unit is sturdy and well build no problems there but with a little bit more thought going into it, it could have been so much better.
“This extension makes it possible to load my stove to run throughout the night on cold nights, when I have to turn the stove up. A great addition, and I highly recommend it.”
“To mount the control panel to the lid of the hopper, there is only one position available with the pre-drilled holes. Mine wouldn't work in this position because it hit my 3" exhaust pipe. I had to drill and use only two holes to mount this in a different position. I also had to grind the edge of the bracket to clear the lid hinge.
I had a plunger-style switch on my lid which needed to be bypassed. The instructions mentioned this but not specifically how to do this.
The extension does not feed the pellets well, just like the stove hopper, and it is hard to load pellets without spilling out the back.”