“Fitting the Brevida to my existing F&P CPAP was a breeze though the orientation diagram could have been a little clearer. Head strap is easily the least restricted of any masks I have used. With the filter clipped over the relief valve my wife barely registers that the mask is on. No more cold air blowing in her face. It has taken quite some time to be able to fit the nasal pillow with any accuracy in a short time. I often have to fidget and play with the fitting to get it to sit snug. Am starting to get better at it but still not perfect first time every time. My only big gripe so far is no matter if I use the small nose piece or large I find that the edge of my nostrils hurt first thing in the morning after taking mask off. I will continue to keep using as this is the lightest feeling mask I have used, and hope that the soreness is purely due to being a new fitting.”