The Bramble Peach Gin is a small-batch Scottish gin from the environmentally responsible The Garden Shed Drinks Company. This contemporary gin uses the original Garden Shed Gin as its base before being infused with flavour packed brambles and fresh peaches for a delicate sweet gin. Passionate about the environment, The Garden Shed Drinks Company donate some of the profits to local charities including Trees 4 Scotland and The Bumblebee Conservation Trust (#plantingtreesandsavingbees). Not the gin for you? View the full range of Scottish craft gins.
About Craft56°:
Craft56° specialise in craft drinks from independent, small-batch producers across the length & breadth of Scotland.
With an extensive range of spirits including gin, rum & vodka and gifts, you're guaranteed to find what you're looking for.
For the more adventurous, we run a craft gin discovery club where you can choose to receive Scottish gins from the most exciting distilleries on a monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly basis.
0141 266 0028