“We absolutely love our crossnet. I have 3 kids that all play competitive volleyball and this is net has provided hours and hours of use and tons of fun. I would 10/10 recommend this net for anyone. The set up is easy and quick with a friend, plus you can bring it anywhere!”
“We love Crossnet at our house. We take it to every family event and basically leave it up all summer long. We've even packed it in a suitcase and taken it flying with us on a trip to the beach in south Carolina!
The first time I saw the game I was like "this looks like a hybrid of four square and volleyball." Once I played I was hooked. Plus I love playing with newbies because they can't stop bringing the power, they hit it out of bounds constantly. This is a finesse game y'all. Its way fun and everyone can play because you just start a line and everyone can rotate in and if you must you can lower the net. I HIGHLY recommend Crossnet to everyone.”