“These d9 gummies are very strong and perhaps need a little cbd to smooth out the experience. The texture is a little gooey and taste is a good mix of fruity + herbal. Effects were felt for a good 8 hours and were: some giddiness early on into a bit of time-space altering followed by full-body relaxation with a touch of slight paranoia then mental focus with appetite increases followed by easy sleep. Next time I will smoke some cbd flower to entourage things a bit.”
“These Delta9 gummies are the best ones I have ever tried. I use them for sleep and pain control. I take 1 and within 30-40 mins all symptoms are gone and I am able to rest. Great product!!!”
“Taste good. Great buzz. Head rush. Then it helps you sleep better. Only if you smoked pot before. I went without for 35 years. First time with this it was wow. Intense but I remembered the buzz. Lot of laughter.”