“Very good tasting. The feeling is ok. I have a very high tolerance but, the sensation is definitely on point. I will definitely be ordering these again.”
“Thanks! A real mood changer. Felt creative, hungry, then sleepy.
Tastes great-- like fruity, slightly sour, Blue Raspberry pop rocks and a little bit of reefer ,
Grain of salt: I'm a lightweight and this is my first experience with edibles after two decades of roll-up meds.
Very alert lightweight, clean-feeling, creative initial onset. I had lighter spirits and was in a better mood.
I noticed the initial effects kicking in when my gf caught me giggling to myself and singing a song about the roundabout traffic circle: "Roundy round-a-bout-y. . . "
It got a little intense two hours in and I asked her to drive us home from dinner to be safe.
Got home and ate everything in the house.
Warm cozy sensation for the rest of the night. Fell into mellow daydreams and naps for the rest of the evening. Slept like a baby.
Woke up refreshed and smiling with a warm feeling in my face.
Well worth the price. Ordering more now.”