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“Quite nice. A person with a regular tolerance level would find them the perfect chill and function clearly. (I have a high tolerance). A pleasing blend, taking the edge off without feeling lazy, yet a bit of a buzz. They call it sour apple, but it is still sweet like a green apple. Delicious.”
Was there enough information about the product on the site?
How satisfied were you with the results of the product?
Very satisfied
“I'm a big fan of the taste! I do find that nibbling on some crispy crackers or raw veggies helps dissipate any residue left on your teeth. Sorry to be Xtra graphic but I am known to be honest about stuff cause why not. Anyways I love love love this product. It soothes all my pain and cares away. I have a cup of hot tea and honey and one gummy at night and I sleep like a baby.”