Hi Victoria!
According to our records, your order has been shipped and is currently in transit to you. The tracking is moving slower than typical, so if your order does not arrive by 6/17 (10 business days from when the order was shipped) then please contact our customer service at support@deltaextrax.com so that we can reship the order. In the meantime, feel free to reach out if you have any further questions!
Team Extrax
How satisfied were you with the results of the product?
Very satisfied
Was there enough information about the product on the site?
“The Lights Out Collection is very effective allowing me a good nights rest. I take a half of a gummy each night and given approximately an hour and it’s Lights Out. Highly recommend!!”
Was there enough information about the product on the site?
How satisfied were you with the results of the product?
Very satisfied
“They are the best gummies I have tried. This is my third jar. Start slow in the beginning, they can sneak up on you. I started with a quarter and still only take a half.”