Was there enough information about the product on the site?
How satisfied were you with the results of the product?
Very satisfied
“I struggle to harass the OUTSTANDING strength and enjoyability with the slightest of negativity. The oil ALWAYS seeps with the banana vapes. I have scraped it off and still used the run-out on my bud smoking, but it is MEANT to be vaped.”
Was there enough information about the product on the site?
How satisfied were you with the results of the product?
“I have been purchasing the Adios Blend carts for some time, and I have noticed that you guys use different styles of cartridges and that the white porcelain-like ones hit much better than the metal ones and also have a less likely hood of getting clogged. The reason I mention this is because I have been receiving the metal ones lately and hope you guys go back to white-material ones. Thank you!”
Hi Chris,
Thank you for the feedback! We've incorporated metal cartridges as there have been customer concern about the fragility of the ceramic ones, so your information on the clogging is very helpful! Reviews like these help us refine and better our products.
Team Extrax