“I think the flavor and texture of the caramels is fantastic. I do not get a ‘weed’ aftertaste. For me a whole caramel is too much. I had a very bad experience with it. The room was spinning, I felt hot and tingly. I felt like my bones were made of rubber. My sense of hearing was amplified and sounds echoed. I was dizzy and disoriented. Then my stomach got upset and I got the runs followed by a major production of saliva. I knew I was going to throw up. Fortunately my bathroom is very small. I was using the toilet and puking in the tub. But I didn’t give up on the caramels. I took a half the next time. What a difference! I felt relaxed. I still felt tingly but it wasn’t unpleasant. It was like first my muscles tingled then relaxed. I felt drowsy and then fell asleep. I stayed asleep for 4-6 hours, which normal for me is 2 hours-back pain wake up change position -fall back asleep for 2 hours. In the morning I actually felt refreshed! I normally wake up just as exhausted as I did before I went to bed (chronic illness, fibromyalgia, etc). My recommendation is to start with only half, or even 1/3 to find your ‘sweet spot’. Unless you are a person who enjoys felling like you’re on all the carnival rides at once, in that case take the whole thing.”