“Arrived quickly despite the lockdown and my daughter loves the poncho. I really liked that there was an age range rather than having just one size that fits only toddlers. The 4-7 size is a really good size for my daughter (nearly 6 yrs old and tall for her age), it does indeed dry fast, dries my daughter off quickly, and is soft but thick enough material to not blow around when worn. I’m now considering whether to buy some of the beach towels.”
“Lovely towel I use it for my mini schnauzer drys her fast plus dirt and sand free if I want to use on the dog will buy from here again I have told friends and family about this product I was so happy when they won dragons den brilliant”
“We haven’t had a chance to use our hooded towel yet, but the color is great and the size is great. Our 5yo is tall for her age and she will definitely be able to use this for a few years. I’m excited to see how quick drying it is, but the fabric did surprise me a little bit by the feel. It does not feel like your standard towel!”