“I ordered these with expedited shipping and the package protection through route it has been 2 weeks and I still have not received the extensions it has been horrible customer service from both parties.no one is getting back to me.”
“I've had extensions for over 2 years, I was always a Babe Hair buyer. My stylist suggested I give you a try and WOW...disappointed would be a understatement. First issue was the extreme shedding of the hair. I take extreme good care of my hair and extension, and this was excessive. Almost gross. I thought maybe it was just that "brand new hair freshly done" shedding but it was not. I got my beads moved up 12/17 and when she took them out...straight chucks of hair were missing from the weft. No damage to the thread or weft or on the sewn area. I was horrified. Not only disappointing but its still shedding like crazy. I spent $150 on the hair, another $300 to get them put in. So its not just $450 I lost out on but my time as well. As you can see in the picture this is another missing hole of hair. Just so bummed and disappointed. I really would like a refund at this point.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Thank you,