“The 1sts weft i got was wonderfull after that its been dry brittle and just horrible it mates up after1 wash thev1stbwash and only gets worse after that ..I'm so upset I thought was because I got 2 wefts off the black Friday deal but no its not that. As I just put my new weft in on 5/2 /22 and after 3 days its breaking g and sheading like crazy I've tried to contact them and get no respoance. Id put photos upload how bad the hair is breaking and the split ends after one wash are but it won't let. . Its not worth Money . Why its so bad and the quality wrnt down and the price went up.is byond me. I even changed colors to see if it was. That but its not is just. The. Company. Getting cheep shit hair and selling it at top doallers. Not. Going to stop untill I get anwsers ill keep the public posted. On this matter thank you.”
“This is so upsetting I've been buying donna bella hair fir 4 years now and I've never had any problems until the last 3 wefts ..the first one was great lasted a year. But the last 3 are. Crap they shed horribly breaking matting up. they. Are dry and brittle I even switched colors to see if that was it and I was sadly. Mistaken. I've tried to contact Donna bella. Hair via text and e mail.and get no resopnce it is. So. Horrible it matts up after the 1st wash. I installed my hair. On5/2/22 and s. So bad. Im in tears . Not worth the 325 I dry in just 1 let aline the. All 3 . Why they do this. Isk but the rapes nevrf did this. Im confused. As ri why thr quality went down but the. PRICE WENT UP .IM SO UPSET ITS NIT FUNNY. Its ben 7 days i have splitt ends matting and its sheading like a dog in spring. Horrabke. Horrable hair.”
“It actually came not attached to the paper backing and I feel the ends looked worn and used not the best quality I've had from Donna Bella in the past I pray it was a fluke”
“I’ve been ordering the hybrid wefts for a while and this order felt thin and dry , doesn’t hold a curl and the weft where it’s Tied was warped and the stitching was more
Obvious than in the past. I would have returned the hair but I didn’t have time as I opened the pack the day of install”
“I’ve have purchased several extensions from Donna Bella and have always been satisfied with them, until this order. The rooted ombré turned extremely brassy. I’m hoping my hairdresser can fix. The pictures are from the day they were installed and a current picture.”
Hi Stephanie! I am so sorry the hair has faded this light. I would to connect with you via email or text and get more information from you about your wefts. I see that you have already placed another order with us since this review but I would still like to see what we can do this issue fixed for you.
I look forward to talking with you- Kayla