“This book could save your life!
This book by Dr Rolf Gordon could save - and certainly has saved - lives. I was lucky enough to be recommended it back in about 1990: since then it has gone through several more editions, becoming even more informative and invaluable.
If you have intractable health or sleep problems, it is always worth considering that you may in fact not be 'sleeping in a safe place' but be suffering from geopathic stress. And something as simple as moving your bed a couple of feet may be all the change you need to make to improve your situation.
Keeping an open mind is the first essential, if this seems bizarre to you at first - and remember, there are no prizes for scepticism! You stand to gain so much.
I can't recommend it strongly enough.”
“This publication is of great importance, and the information given may someday become general knowledge;
it has the potential to save much suffering and life threatening illnesses.”
“Certainly makes a case for looking at geopathic stress as a contributor to clusters of illnesses, e.g. cancer, that science currently can't fully explain.”