“It's too sweet for my taste and it left the aftertaste of article flavor in my mouth. I have a very sensitive taste and smell to almost everything. I love the Cacao Bliss.”
“Unfortunately, I have this plus a couple other flavors that I am not fond of. The ONLY one I LOVE is cocoa bliss. I wish there was a way I could gather up the unopened ones I don’t like and return them and exchange them for my cocoa Bliss . I am 73 hrs old and in the AM and even PM this is my go to drink of choice only! You have blessed me with discounts and me on social security…. I appreciates those discounts. I can’t do the monthly thing, my husband won’t allow withdraws… I would greatly appreciate the discounts. Thank you. If I can return the others, please let me know so others can enjoy their faves… as for me… just give me my cocoa bliss . Thank you. Cheryl sita”