“At first, I was skeptical about trying this new product but now I can't be without the acetyl L-carnitine. It helps reduce your waistline by the second week of taking it. The powder dilutes in water within seconds and keeps you energized for hours. I usually take it with OxyShred Mango Flavor and the taste is phenomenal. Definitely plan on buying more once I run out because this product, along with Oxyshred, helped with my fitness goals. Also, this beats other pre-workouts because it's only 5 calories per scoop and you don't have to worry about hidden sugar ingredients. I love it!!”
“It’s the best shredding supp to stack with your oxyshred. Gives me a boost of energy, aids weight loss and can be stacked into common supplements - what more could you want.”
“I’m new to powders, protein and nutrients.
I’m unable to process ‘heavy foods’.
So I’ve gone you way. Recommended by my niece who is in Country Victoria.”
“Helps so much with muscle fatigue and is such a nice addition to my morning oxyshred! Love how subtle it is and makes an amazing combo with oxyshred! Helps push me through my exercises with some added energy and feeling of “I can definitely push through this!””
“I mix this with my non stim oxy shred. I get a great amount of energy to push through my workout. On non workout days I get a nice boost of energy when I also use it. Great quality product.”