“This supplement is a great stacker, I put it in first thing in the morning with my Oxy shred, if you’re on a diet using this will satiate any hunger feelings you have early on in the morning. I initially got this product to help speed up my metabolism, and now it is become a staple of my supplements”
“This combined with the oxyshred!! Fire! I tried the mango one and it didn’t cause any weird taste it actually makes it a bit sour. And I’ve been using it for three weeks now I definitely am seeing results!”
“Absolutely love ehp labs products I couldn’t be without them best on the market by far always go above & beyond with there products and delivery times”
“Great supplement to match my oxyshred every morning! Good metabolism booster, aids in weight loss. Good way to start every day. Love these products. Every day is a good day with EHPlabs!!!!! Love love love”