“My mare has seasonal scurf and facial alopecia (hair loss) issues. The cause remains a mystery but Equiderma lotion soothes and seems to shorten the time it takes to grow back out. I reach for it whenever a skin condition, itchy mane or tail, etc. shows up on any of my horses.”
“My very favorite! Cannot live without it. It takes care of skin irritations/ scratches and other issues. I use when my horse who is susceptible to scratches and scald. Clears it up right away. I also like it as preventative. I recommend this to all my friends.”
“A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! This lotion has fixed cannon crud for one of my horses and dry skin spots for the other. Smells good and seems to last for at least a day.”
“I just got my first bottle of the skin lotion. I used it once on the rear back bones with the crud on them, worked over night. Never had a product do that good of a job ever. Great stuff!”