“Pretty decent helmet considering the price. Only thing I would say is the shape of it is a little funny. It won't let my stick on for go pro stick properly cause of the shape. But other than fits good. Comfortable. Light weight. Definitely helped when I stacked it thr first time. My head didn't feel a thing.”
“I went for a night ride a little while ago and I had a bit of a crash, I got a concussion and if I wasn't wearing my helmet then things would have been a lot worse, but don't worry, I'm all good now. But before any of this happened, the light on the back of the helmet came off very easily.”
“Great helmet. Feels good, looks good. Easy to adjust and does not disturb you during the ride.
Would recommend it.
On video, Grass-Surfing for the first time. It's the real deal. Had a great time.”