“Great quality helmet, nice classic look that doesn't leave you looking stupid. Great quality leather straps & easy one handed magnetic latch, very comfortable to wear”
“I love the style of the helmet as it is different from the mainstream which suits me just fine
I love the fit. Especially with the adjuster at the back - nice job
The leather straps are an excellent touch but the magnetic clip is the real winner
I hope I never have to report on how it saved my head from getting split open but sure it will do its job if called upon.
Overall, if you love what you're doing and who you are, I strongly recommend this helmet to complete the picture.”
“Getting so many compliments on it while wearing it. Has a classic but modern look that I feel won't be outdated.
Fits great as well, so good that they have an adjustable dial-fit system to custom fit the helmet. And love the magnetic fastener.”