“This board has surpassed expectations! I have the 6 inch wheels, weigh about 175 and can drive for about 2-3 hours on the road. It's incredible. Also the board is very capable in the dirt. I've rode some dirt trails for about an hour and it didn't have any issues with grip, speed or hills. It rides over roots and sticks without any hesitation. I can't say enough good things about it and can't wait to see what Evolve comes up with in the coming years!”
“This is the review I was looking for when researching electric skateboards.
I am a woman. Apart from a long history skiing and roller skating (never snow boarded), I have never been on a skateboard before. If this is you...read on.
I have loved this board from the moment I stepped on. It is incredibly stable in safe mode and allows you to get used to jumping off if you over correct or do something dumb. After about two days I was ready to switch from safe to eco mode and go a little faster. By then, I was addicted.
After two weeks I was taking it to the coast to ride the flat bike paths and back roads. Finding a new estate lot with a long, newly minted road was awesome. No cars or pedestrians. Just music and carving.
I am now on PRO mode going up and down hills itching to go to GTR. The only problem I have is that I still need the haptic feedback from the grip of the board to feel confident. Beginner issues. Therefore, no shoes. I rarely take it over speeds I could run if i needed to bail, but i need to find a super thin pair of shoes soon so i can go faster and protect my feet.
Buy this board. You won't regret it.
Ps. Evolve, can you fix the charging port closure. It is always poping open and I am going to get some sand in there soon. Xo”
“I have been everywhere on this thing! I can’t help but laugh when I pass people and they do a second glance ... they have seen electric scooters and wannabe motorcycles but not an electric skateboard buzzing past them.”
“First timer eboard, only had under a week but absolutely love it. The AT set-up is a dream on uk roads, never experienced anything like it. Roads that would previously send me flying I now glide over. It takes some getting used to the breaking and acceleration but you get there pretty quickly. Not one to wear a helmet but for this I wear a helmet. It's necessary when mixing with cars. Very happy customer so far and taking good care of my board!”