“I've had 2 GTX BAMBOO boards for 3 years now and there still working great, only had to replace a few worn tires, now I just got a GTR Carbon and it's wicked cool,, very smooth and user friendly, EVOLVE is a great board for beginners to grow into, awesome design and tech, out of all my Eboards my EVOLVE is my go to board, I highly recommend EVOLVE........jt.....”
“I've had 2 EVOLVE gtx BAMBOO boards for 3 years and there still working great, I've only had replace worn tires , and now I just got a GTR carbon and it's Wicked cool, awesome design and Tech, very user friendly, a good board for beginners to grow into, I highly recommend EVOLVE.......jt”
Hey Lawrence,
It is possible to ride the boards on hard sand! Please note that there is potential for sand to get stuck in the components and the corrosion from the saltwater may harm the board. These factors are not covered under warranty if something were to go wrong.
Make sure you keep your board clean if you were to venture near sand or saltwater!
Evolve team