“After looking through various electric scooters, the Dualtron 3 I found to be the best fit for my needs. I wanted something that had enough battery to transport me to and fro, without worries of running out of power. However, I needed something that was going to be durable enough to handle the rigors of urban dwelling. (Rough streets and rude drivers.)
The Dualtron 3 is larger and faster than most urban scooters, but I feel that while it's considered more of an "off road," scooter, I like to think of it as being the perfect "Urban Assault Scooter." It handled steep grades with no problem. It too on uneven sidewalks and streets easily. I came off of a moderate to high level curb, with enough clearance to feel comfortable about my scooter's capabilities, and kept rolling.
The speed, handling and suspension system of the Dualtron 3 make this a great urban scooter. The beefy nature of the scooter build also makes me feel that it's the better choice for the commutes that I'll have to endure of days as well. And with proper care and maintenance, it should do so for a long time to come.
It's not a lightweight scooter that one will carry around in the office, or on public transit. However, if you're using it as your main source of durable transportation, on city streets, to get to your destination and back again, one can't go wrong with the Dualtron 3.”