“Birthday gift from my wife. This is the perfect wheel for my needs. Forty pounds is light enough to carry but sturdy enough to support me. I am 6'2" and 240+ pounds. It feels like it has power to spare. Currently I have been buzzing around my neighborhood and using it grab the mail a couple blocks down the road. Spent a lot time researching different wheels and this kept coming up at the top of my list. The XL pedals and other modifications from eWheels truly make this a best in class EUC.
Photo includes a bandana for scale.”
“Since this was my first unicycle purchase I knew that learning to ride would be a significant challenge. I wanted an EUC that would challenge me and I would be satisfied with it for a long time. The KS 16S is very durable and a handles rough surfaces. The street and sidewalk surfaces are very rough, broken or cracked. I found that the KS 16S seems to handle it very well. I would definitely recommend this EUC to any level of rider. I have been riding for about one month. I try to ride every day when the weather is good. I've even driven it to work which is about 3.5 miles one way.”