“This bike looks good, and is not comically small like many bikes are (however if you're 6' 2'' or above, it'll look a bit circus-like). It's got great acceleration and you can accidentally pop your front up from standstill if you yank the accelerator.
The modes are genuinely useful, for different riding styles and levels. Here in SF, the hills slow it down to 15-18km/hr, but flats and downhills can hit 25km+. Again, it won't replace a motorcycle, but you also won't look (as much as) like a dweeb on a scooter.
I think if they continue to evolve this bike & design it's going to be a long term winner. More power, range, and some tidying up of part selection and finish —the Stigo B3 will likely be excellent. They use bike components to simplify things, and I'm looking forward to when the braking etc. is more integrated for a cleaner "pure" e-bike look.
Oh, and it's pretty light so carrying it up stairs isn't the worst. The folding might be useful for car transport, but not for someone without a car. I'm assuming you can use a bike lock for it, but I haven't gotten that far yet.
I think this is the right purchase for people trying to find a short-commute bike. I don't really want an actual bike, and definitely not a scooter. The more expensive versions are too expensive, and the cheaper ones can't be trusted.”
“This thing is dam near perfect. It's comfortable to ride and the motor is powerful. It really does 20 MPH like they say it does. I own a couple URB-Es and was looking for something with bigger tires and more power and I decided to take a chance and buy the Stigo. I am glad I did! I am 6' 1" so I am pretty tall and this thing seat me comfortably. I also like that the rear wheel is easy to fold in with a release pin. Makes it easy to carry. The battery charges lightning fast with the included charger (I think it's a speed charger). Because it has a rear shock absorber, the ride is also super smooth as the shock absorber does a great job of dealing with the LA road bumps.
Overall, well worth it. I have owned a traditional standing scooter which I think is much too dangerous and also an URB-E which is a sitting scooter. The URB-E was probably my favorite one but after riding the Stigo, there is no way I can go back to riding anything else. I hope people buy and support this model because it really is a great scooter. Ewheels was super easy to deal with and their customer service and quick response to my emails was also the other reason I decided to buy it. I want something that has customer service as I don't have time to buy something that has no support.
Overall, outstanding! I could not be happier!”