This is the CAA UK VFR Chart for the 1:250,000 area England South - Sheet 8. Edition 25 effective from 20/05/2021 The chart provides detailed topographical information including runway layouts and a vertical limit of 5000 ft ALT. This is the CAA UK VFR Chart for the 1:250,000 area England South - Sheet 8. The chart provides detailed topographical information including runway layouts and a vertical limit of 5000 ft ALT. Airspace with a base of FL55 is shown EXCEPT where a minimum ALT in excess of 5000 ft applies - If the QNH is below 1013 mb Controlled Airspace not shown on the chart may be below 5000 ft and reference must be made to the respective UK 1;500,000 Chart to ensure adequate vertical separation. 1:250,000 Charts are supplied laminated and are suitable for marking with chinagraph pens and pencils. This chart series serves the requirements of VFR in-flight navigation for low speed, short or medium range operations at low and intermediate altitudes. It is also used in pre-flight planning and for pilot and navigator training. Airspace information up to FL50 (5000ft AMSL) and obstacles above 300ft AGL are depicted. In addition to aeronautical information, the charts provide hydrographic, topographic, cultural and other visual features compatible with legibility at the scale of the chart this information is supplied by GB Ordnance Survey and/or Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland. Terrain contours at intervals above 200ft AMSL depicted. The charts show a more detailed topographical base than the 1:500,000 scale charts and are particularly well suited to the General Aviation community operating at low level. Current Edition: 19/05/22 (Edition: 26) Next Edition: This is the CAA UK VFR Chart for the 1:250,000 area England South - Sheet 8. Edition 26 effective from 19/5/22
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