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Foundational FLO Protocol™ Reviews

4.6 Rating 30 Reviews
I am in session 5 of the Flo Living program and have already seen results. I have fibroids and was experiencing mid cycle bleeding from ovulation, through the luteal phase until my period started. For my last 2 cycles, I have only a brief spotting on the day of ovulation but no more bleeding until my period begins. My periods have improved with less of the brown stagnant blood and there is a reduction in the clots. They are not completely gone yet. I have been able to eliminate caffeine which has eliminated the breast tenderness. I am struggling a lit bit through the holidays and with dinners with my family. But I have been very successful eating from the templates for breakfast and lunch during the week. I am constantly thinking what I need to nourish my body for my specific problem with every meal. I am really excited about my results so far and am excited about continuing the process.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I am blown away. The information compiled and integrated in this course is a woman's miracle. Truly, I realized that before finding this program, I was trying to learn how to operate my body without having a proper manual. Of course functioning in a woman's body requires a deep, intuitive listening which is both encourage and supported in this course along with congruent evidence and research which easefully nourish the healing of the mind body connection. I have been trying to conceive for the past few years with no luck. After being told by my doctor, acupuncturist and medical intuitive that I'm basically healthy and should consider alternate forms of conception, I was left feeling like a huge piece was missing. This piece involved more time and commitment to deep inner listening along with the proper guidance and information. I am now hopeful for a new relationship with my body and open to uncovering all of the magic that lies in my tissues. Within the first week of the program my body was feeling better and my instinct is that I'm on the right path and just need to keep going. I'm currently on week 5 and am dedicating time to exploring this new way of living and am committed to healing my undressed adrenal fatigue. My favourite part about this program is that it confirms what I've known all along, that I don't have to give everything up! There are times for everything! This leaves me hopeful that once my adrenal issues are addressed, I'll be able to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle with room for the spntenaety that my heart often desires. Thank you so much to Alisa and the wonderful team:)
2 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Oh what can I say....I will start with a thank you. This program and all Alissa's and the team's work through her books and videos have helped me overcome a 10 year battle with topical psoriasis, which left my quality of life severely compromised. following the dietary advice has tuned in nicely with where I am at and what I am looking for. Thank you for the comprehensive and well informed advice. All the best to you in your work in the world, healing and supporting women in this way.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I am so glad Flo living exists! I am on second full month of adapting to going with my flo, my flo week was so much smoother. Less cramps, less just feel yuck, I had more energy and better overall mood. I actually am looking forward to what future months have to hold.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Ladies!! I just want to share my love and my good news. Before doing Flo Living my cycle was 55 days long. After the Flo Protocol (virtual hormone program) it normalised into a 28 day cycle. AND I was recently diagnosed with PCOS, they took scans on my ovaries showing me my condition. And telling me that was probably why my cycle was previously irregular...and telling me that there is no cure. I've been working with Dr. Northrup's Woman's Bodies Woman's Wisdom book as well as doing the MyFlo (virtual hormone program) again. I recently went for another scan and my right ovary no longer has PCOS! And my left ovary is now only mildly PCOS. I'm getting there! Ditch patriarchy and ditch everything you've been told about being a woman...and listen and learn the language of your body...work with her and she will respond. I am so so grateful to FloLiving and Alisa Vitti for bringing this science and wisdom to the world! A deep thank you.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Hi Everyone! Warning: long post, but not a rant, just really good news. I have PCOS and for a couple years now have been on a mission to eliminate" it naturally. I know it's not possible to 100% get rid of it, but I mean to get it to a level where it's no longer an issue in my life. I have changed my diet, started working out, took supplements to help regulate my hormones, quit my acting career, actively found ways to destress, experience more joy and lean into my feminine energy. Alisa's book Woman Code was a game-changer for me. I also worked with a naturopath and did acupuncture. All this to say that I am soooo happy to let you guys know that I am 98% free of this awful thing. The cysts on my ovaries are gone and my gyno confirmed I am ovulating an he doesn't see any issues of me conceiving. My symptoms have also reduced by about 90% and no longer make me miserable. While I think all the things I was doing were critical, I think the final step was leaning into my cycle thanks to this program. I have been doing my best to work out and eat according to my phase. I have also been more mindful of not getting overwhelmed during luteal phase for example. And finally, I have been planning my monthly goals and tasks according to my phase and I find that everything has been going so much more smoothly! I think this was the final push I needed to really get back into a better balance and I am so grateful for this program and for all of you here that are on this journey with me. I wanted to share this in case it helps or inspires anyone.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Hi everyone! Have joined the group a couple of weeks ago. I’m 43 and have had PCOS since teen years. I was on progesterone only pill for 8yrs and had no periods at all. I’m pretty sure I have adrenal fatigue so I stopped the POP a month ago and have followed the protocol - and now have my period so I'm very excited!!! Can’t believe it! Before going on birth control I used to go months with no period.... I’m a GP in the UK, and we (who practice traditional medicine) just don’t know this stuff! I’m so excited to be learning all of this that can help me, and also help my patients too. This breakthrough has given me such hope that it is possible to reverse PCOS symptoms, by using food and supplements etc and learning how to sync with my cycle. Thank you so much Alisa and all of you for the support and tips on this group. Look forward to sharing more of our journeys.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I was diagnosed with PCOS 3.5 years ago. The diagnosis was good news for me, since it explained all the frustrating symptoms that I had been experiencing for years! I had horrible cystic acne that kept getting worse no matter what I did. I couldn’t seem to lose the 5-10 lbs of weight after my last pregnancy. My periods were always irregular and I had strong pelvic pain in my left abdomen. I felt trapped because every book I read said that there was no cure for PCOS and that other than taking strong medications certain symptoms would not be relieved. I was never a fan of drugs and decided to research on my own to overcome PCOS. I didn’t find an answer until I stumbled upon FLO Living.Throughout my 3 month program I surprised myself by not only meeting all the goals that I wanted to achieve, but also accomplishing things I never expected. My skin cleared up, my ovarian pain diminished, I lost the rest of my baby weight, and most importantly I found an amazing sense of peace in my life overall – peace with body image, having another child, my work. Emotionally, my lines of communication and boundaries in relationships are clearer and healthier. My sexual relationship with husband has blossomed. I feel more productive in my life – even in everyday chores. Life is more fun! I am completely letting go and couldn’t feel more free and light about doing so! Alisa’s approach is different than anything I have ever tried and so effective at achieving results.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago