Pick a card from any of nine categories and find an imaginative way to start your children bending, breathing, and stretching with yoga.This mind/body practice develops children's strength and flexibility, helps improve their concentration, and builds self-esteem.Engaging step-by-step illustrations show a playful, imaginative pose or activity on one side, with activity instructions or simple visualizations on the other.Try partner poses or choose a fun group game, such as ""Yoga Pretzels."" The companion booklet helps any adult design a safe and fun practice for children. Includes booklet, 50 cards with rounded corners on varnished cardstock, and a durable storage box.
About For Small Hands:
A Resource for Families
Delight young children with real tools that let them handle real tasks "all by myself!" Our hard-to-find, child-size items allow them to pour their own juice or rake leaves by your side, purposeful "work" that supports self-confidence and independence. From a pitcher to fit small hands to open-ended games, toys, and crafts that call on spatial, motor, or problem-solving skills, we make sure every item provides an enriching opportunity.