“I share a 30 count bag with my wife, which means I only take 14 per month. Admittedly, this may not be enough to make a noticeable impact. We have been taking them for about four months now and I can tell you this. While I do moderate cardio during the week, I couple my cardio routines with heavy yard work and a house remodel during the weekends. I take only two gummies per serving and I take them on Saturdays and Sundays, usually right after my morning cardio and right before I dive into my chores. I’m 44 and in decent shape for my age (5’11”, 158lbs). Taking two gummies helps with joint and muscle pain. At some point We may order more gummies and start taking three at a time to see if it doesn’t help more with energy. Overall, they taste great but are a bit overpriced, but they do help with joint and muscle recovery.”
“As someone with a sweet tooth, having a few gummies after a workout or during a round of golf really helps fight the cravings and keep me going for the rest of the day. I’ve also noticed they reduce my aches after weight lifting which is great.”