Are the health benefits of this product noticeable?
Not noticeable
Very noticeable
How about value for money?
Great value
“I have an auto immune disease and fight inflammation constantly. To help treat it I follow a super strict diet and have been drinking black coffee because of it. I absolutely love The Good Stuff (Focus blend,) because it not only follows along with my diet plan, but is non triggering and delicious treat!!”
Are the health benefits of this product noticeable?
Not noticeable
Very noticeable
How about value for money?
Great value
“I’ve only been doing it for a week, but definitely like having something healthy in my coffee rather than just agave and other flavors. Feeling a little bit of a boost on the mornings when I have it, so planning to keep the subscription going. So far, I’m pretty happy!”
Are the health benefits of this product noticeable?
Not noticeable
Very noticeable
How about value for money?
Great value
“Personally, the cinnamon flavor was a bit too strong a flavor. I switched to the mocha and it's wayyyyyyy better IMO. Both work well, just a flavor preference.”