“I ordered the product, but than I changed my mind, because the price is too high and didn’t accept the package. This happened 3 weeks ago and since that moment I am waiting for the company to confirm receival of the package and to refund my money. Sadly, their e-mail address is operated by AI and it is the only response from them I have received upon today - AI message with claims that everything will be all right soon, however the situation hasn’t progressed since. I find the product overpriced and easily replaceable with more affordable shampoos and contitioners. I really hope to see my money again. I consider the company's actions to be unfair.”
Dobrý deň pani Jasovská,
veľmi pekne Vám ďakujeme za úžasné hodnotenie nášho multiaktívneho séra! Sme nadšení, že ste s jeho účinkami spokojná. Vaša spätná väzba je pre nás veľmi cenná a motivuje nás naďalej vytvárať produkty, ktoré skutočne pomáhajú.
Ak by ste mali akékoľvek ďalšie otázky alebo potrebovali poradiť s výberom ďalších produktov, neváhajte sa na nás obrátiť.
S pozdravom,
Tím Hairburst