The Tiny Bike balance bikes from Fun4Kids is the best way to teach any 2 - 4 year old how to ride, and features fully adjustable handlebars and saddle. The tiny balance bikes lets children learn naturally by experimenting with balance and riding techniques all on their own. Children are fast learners and find out quickly how the device can be moved and steered. When pushed briefly, children instinctively learn how to reproduce this movement independently soon afterwards. The Tiny Bike helps develop a child’s sense of balance and stimulates their physical and mental development, improving general co-ordination. Featuring a robust build, it is made using high quality products to withstand a great deal of wear and tear and can be ridden indoors and outdoors for hours of learning adventure. Unique wide rubber compound tyres for a smooth and silent ride and spoke free wheels to avoid trapping those tiny fingers Features: Available in a range of colours (see list above) Lets children learn to balance naturally Stimulates physical and mental development Robust build Ride indoors or outdoors H 50cm x L 57cm Seat height: 30cm Super lightweight at only 3.2kg Wheels: D 17cm x W 6cm For ages: 2 – 4 Max weight: 50kg
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