“1941 bioplastic Model T
Ford's 1941 bioplastic Model T was made of hemp, flax, wheat, and spruce pulp, which made the car lighter than fiberglass and ten times tougher than steel, wrote the New York Times on February 2, 1941. The car ran on ethanol made from hemp or other agricultural waste.Oct 3, 2020
Kay Ray”
“Uncle Tommy,
Thanks for keeping me posted on Memorial Day.
Like your dad my day enlisted in theUS Navy CB’s at age 32. He was in the Normandy invasion and was shipped to the Pacific and was in the battle of Okinawa. Unlike your dad mine came away with no injuries . So much was the luck of the draw.
Enjoy this day made possible by those who fought and came home and those who gave their full measure .”
“Hello Uncle Tommy,
Long time listener, first time caller, uhyeaugh. First off thank you and thank you, I have been a daily in-taker of Good Vibes and Full Spectrum, the difference has made a quality of life difference. Tried the Nice Dreams for sleeping first off, the Valerian or something gave me wicked, vivid dreams. The Full Spectrum CBD has filled that spot just beautifully, if any of you family are out there having trouble out there. My eldest brother Lurch found you and continues to keep me Chong-ed up, I could not thank you without thanking him. As well our service specialist Paul at Chong has been exemplary to us and each one I have sent on to him. Family, of origin and of choice … WE is the magic within the magic.
Yes, Tommy! Optimism is a life saver, a life preserver, a life extender; after all the now is, the present, the present is a gift … see how I did that? The old adage that you are what you eat is also true about what I think. If I get up every morning and look for a lump in my breast, one day I will find one. Conversely, if I go through life assuming everyone is my friend, I will find some outstanding ones. Almost six years ago, I was diagnosed with a Stage IV NSC Lung Cancer, terminal. Yes, in my life I had smoked about anything that would burn.They gave me one year to live, it will be six years come August 31, stick that in your pipe and don’t smoke it!!!
It is a good point of discussion, optimism in practicality, easy to say; Hey, you will feel better over all if you look for the good, (but how?), if I am not practiced. No, I do not think it is genetic, however it is a gift that can be passed so it's maybe generational. What I do believe is that is systemic, therefore can be fostered or thwarted. As I pointed out earlier, I am what I eat or in the words of Rene’ Descartes “ I think, therefore I am," our words clearly have power and those words stem from thoughts.
As a primer for those wishing to learn optimism, which I LIVE by, let me offer this up. Gratitude is where it starts, letting go of that gnawing human longing for what we lack, embracing with love what he have, grounding us in the moment, the present, thus the gift. With that, here is my favorite passage on the subject. When it gets dark around here and there are a plethora of reasons to just roll over, I just read this every morning for a while till it re-sinks in. From Melody Beatie;
Say thank you, until you mean it.
Thank God, life, and the universe for everyone and everything sent your way.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. It turns problems into gifts, failures into successes, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. It can turn an existence into a real life, and disconnected situations into important and beneficial lessons. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.
Gratitude makes things right.
Gratitude turns negative energy into positive energy. There is no situation or circumstance so small or large that it is not susceptible to gratitude’s power. We can start with who we are and what we have today, apply gratitude, then let it work its magic.
Say thank you, until you mean it. If you say it long enough, you will believe it.
Today, I will shine the transforming light of gratitude on all the circumstances of my life.
From the book: The Language of Letting Go: Hazelden Meditation Series
Drop the mic!!!
With that little nugget, let me say I can go on for days about the power of optimism and it’s contagiousness, yet this is not my format. So just a tiny leg up for the family.
Have a great day, unless of course … you have made other plans. With love, light, love, to each and every one of you and yours,
Robert G. Wells
Certified Recovery Specialist I
PS Hey Uncle Tommy, If you would like to read more about applied, practical optimism through my five plus year journey with this gnarly cancer? It is concisely chronicled on the GoFundMe page “Keep the Fire Alive for Robert” https://gofund.me/dbcddc5c. When you get there, go to updates and scroll back to the beginning, happy reading. If there are any portions that you wish to cut and paste for your newsletter, you have my full permission to do so … I can only keep what I have by giving it away.”
“Wish me luck Im a pageant queen from California, Florida Illinois and born in Ohio, and now living in North Carolina Im going into the SR North Carolina Pageant next weekend. I'll try the product to alleviate back pains from a strained back recently.”
“Tommy, I have been doing the Good Vibes/Nice Dreams combo for a little more than a year now. I do appreciate all the promos, I almost always hit one. I will be turning 60 on the 4th so I am telling my wife you did it just for me. Of course, she won’t buy that ( who would?) but I will tell her anyway. Have a great 4th , John Mac – East Wareham, MA”
“Tommy, I have been doing the Good Vibes/Nice Dreams combo for a little more than a year now. I do appreciate all the promos, I almost always hit one. I will be turning 60 on the 4th so I am telling my wife you did it just for me. Of course, she won’t buy that ( who would?) but I will tell her anyway. Have a great 4th , John Mac – East Wareham, MA”
“I'd enjoy your Facebook group except I am a Facebook virgin. Never bin chastity belt in place.
Like you some of us protest against relevant issues. My boycott, since day 1 of that platform. Amongst MANY other things to make our planet a better place since we've existed here.”
I just recently ordered some gummies, they are supposed to arrive tomorrow (fingers crossed). The reason for this note is to tell you how much I am enjoying your emails and stories.
I feel like I’m part of a wonderful family.
Thanks so much for sharing your life with me.
I look forward to receiving the product and hearing more of your stories.
Have a great and wonderful day