“Do so wish I could take advantage of yer totally great discount offer, but my fixed income won't allow it and even tho I gave up on the sawbones a few years back I doubt that my insurance would cover this. So, thanks for the offer, but I like many in this dingy just can't swing it.
Maybe you could mention this to some of yer better off friends. Could be a big help to alot of us out here if you could start a fund so we can all feel safer having a couple months backup in case of stock difficulty.
Thanks for yer time.
Smile, makes everything look better.
“This is for Tommy. I used to work with Vanessa Hendricks. I don’t know if you would remember her. This was back in the early 80’s. Way back! She was forty and I was 20. We met and just clicked. We had a little business going, making stage clothes for people in the music business. She told me that she had been a nanny/b-sitter for Rea Dawn when she was young. I think she was about 13-14 when she stopped by to see Vanessa and I was there. She was so lovely and polite, I remember. I doubt your daughter could ever recall it. Vanessa would be in her 80’s now. Last I saw her she was with John Ware and he was playing with EmmyLou. Every time I see you somewhere or hear about “Tommy Chong” I think about Vanessa and that day. I have met many stars and celebrities and probably have forgotten 1/2 of them. But that day remains clear in my memory for some reason. Just thought I’d tell you my story of knowing Vanessa and meeting your daughter. I don’t have a clue whether this email will ever get to you to read but maybe it will and it will take you back, way back, in time. Hope you have a “good vibe” day! Alice”
“Looking forward to your inner most thoughts.
FYI — I’ve been a stunt guy for over 40 years, and have worked with Cheech many times in Nash Bridges.
After 40 years of stunts, love your CBD.
Mike Martinez
Mobile: 415-710-0627”
“Hey Tommy, I've been using your Good vibes product for some time now. I have a bad back. I feel great when I take it every morning. Thank you for your wonderful products.You the man..... Sincerely Diane”
“Hey Tommy, I've been using your Good vibes product for some time now. I have a bad back. I feel great when I take it every morning. Thank you for your wonderful products.You the man..... Sincerely Diane”
“Hey Tommy - nice to get an email addressed to me! I've been using your Good Vibes and Nice Dreams for many months now - maybe a year even. The emails have all been addressed to my husband Roger, though - probably because we use his credit card. Nice to get one addressed to Gillian for a change. Roger doesn't use the stuff, he seems to be invincible to pain, and good for him.
To answer your question, I love these products and will continue to use them. This time I used your code cleverdesmond and I'm looking forward to getting two easier-to-use droppers. I'm 72 and plenty old enough to need them, so thanks for that. I've been reading your emails for quite a while and have even answered some. I enjoyed the ones about old movies and I suggested The Fearless Vampire Killers, a Roman Polanski film that got buried shortly after it came out because it starred his wife, Sharon Tate, and - as we all know - she was murdered by the manson family. This was shortly after the film came out. I highly recommend this film, even though Roman Polanski is a guy with big demons.
Anyway, thank you for helping to develop these products. They are just what I needed for my elderly aches and pains, and they keep me going strong and exercising every day. I do two hours at least on my elliptical every day thanks to this stuff, and the Good Vibes gives me the lift I need. Knees, you know, are tricky things. I also get good sleep with a lot fewer aches and pains thanks to the Nice Dreams. I was almost out of that, so I'm looking forward to my shipment.
Please keep the email chain going. Consider me part of Tommy's Army - I have been for quite a while and enjoy your emails very much.
Gillian Levine”
“Mini testimonial for you Tommy.... since switching from the "Scalar Oil" CBD oil I was using to Nice Dreams back in January, after only two months, my Alanine Aminotrans “liver number” has dropped from 57 to 31 U/L (normal is 10-40), and I am getting way better sleep scores. I got a 93 last weekend, my highest ever.... two weeks ago, got 91 two days in a row.... that has NEVER happened before. Very often in it's the high 80s even when I have to get up for work at 6 a.m. - for example this morning I got an 87. That was very rare before.
One question, I am just curious how much melatonin is in one serving of 20 drops? Couldn't find that info. I have found that popping 5 mg of melatonin along with the 20 drops is helpful.
Thanks man.”