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Good Vibes and Nice Dreams Combo Pack Reviews

4.5 Rating 552 Reviews
Curt Dickinson
Verified Reviewer
Hi Tommy, Thank you for the ‘future e-mail from the past’, or however you would describe it. I just wanted you to know that your computer experts are right on the button with their prediction. I recently opened my last bottle of Good Vibes and I expect to be opening my last bottle of Nice Dreams tonight or tomorrow night. I have already ordered my next batch of Good Vibes and Nice Dreams. In fact, the ordered was delivered in today’s mail. My wife and I love the products. When I first started taking these some 6 months ago, more or less, I experienced FIVE consecutive days with ABSOLUTELY NO PAIN WHATSOEVER! I haven’t had two consecutive pain free days since I was 13 years old. Quite frankly the number of pain free days, consecutive or not, since my 13th birthday can be counted on two hands. Until I tried your nanoCBD products. To be completely honest the pain free days are still very uncommon. But the overall pain level I experience each day is much lower than it was pre-Tommy’s nanoCBD. So thank you! And my wife reports quite similar results. We have both been able to eliminate nearly all of the prescription pain killers that have been required fir many years. (BTW: I am 67 and my wife will be 62 in March. So when I talk about daily pain levels since my 13th birthday you can understand that I am not talking about a year or two. Anyway, thank you for an excellent product that does exactly what it claims! Curtis & Teri Dickinson Homer, Illinois 217-778-7298
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Posted 3 years ago
Curt Dickinson
Verified Reviewer
Hi Tommy, Thank you for the ‘future e-mail from the past’, or however you would describe it. I just wanted you to know that your computer experts are right on the button with their prediction. I recently opened my last bottle of Good Vibes and I expect to be opening my last bottle of Nice Dreams tonight or tomorrow night. I have already ordered my next batch of Good Vibes and Nice Dreams. In fact, the ordered was delivered in today’s mail. My wife and I love the products. When I first started taking these some 6 months ago, more or less, I experienced FIVE consecutive days with ABSOLUTELY NO PAIN WHATSOEVER! I haven’t had two consecutive pain free days since I was 13 years old. Quite frankly the number of pain free days, consecutive or not, since my 13th birthday can be counted on two hands. Until I tried your nanoCBD products. To be completely honest the pain free days are still very uncommon. But the overall pain level I experience each day is much lower than it was pre-Tommy’s nanoCBD. So thank you! And my wife reports quite similar results. We have both been able to eliminate nearly all of the prescription pain killers that have been required fir many years. (BTW: I am 67 and my wife will be 62 in March. So when I talk about daily pain levels since my 13th birthday you can understand that I am not talking about a year or two. Anyway, thank you for an excellent product that does exactly what it claims! Curtis & Teri Dickinson Homer, Illinois 217-778-7298
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Posted 3 years ago
Brad Smedley C/O Seasons Counseling
Verified Reviewer
I have to say that I have tried many different CBD products, and been a frequent user of marijuana over the past years. Once I started taking Good Vibes, I stopped all smoking/vaping of marijuana which was important to me because I am an active person and didn’t like the stoney feel of pot (unless I was with friends to have fun ;), the munchies that followed resulting in weight gain, and the negative effects of smoke in my lungs along with the inconsistent way marijuana can effect you. Most CBD products I used in the past did nothing. With Good Vibes, I have not been experiencing anxiety or depression, I have energy, and I am more attentive on my job. Additionally, my back pain and other pains that come from being a physically active man in his 60’s have been greatly reduced. I can’t say enough with how impressed I am with this product. I am a licensed mental health professional, and I am sharing these results with my clients that are looking to improve their mental and physical health. Thank you Tommy for your investment into making a product that can literally change lives. Brad Smedley, MA, MS, LMFT, AAT Certified EMDR Therapist
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Posted 3 years ago
Love the story Tommy! Sounds like something I would do. I recently switched over to your CBD, and I love that too! I heard you on a podcast or something talking about your products and I was convinced to get it a try and will keep trying new products. Nice Dreams are up next. I see you have been using a few photos of your comedy / film days on your Facebook page. Lot’s of fun. Have you ever considered creating a digital archive of your legacy? My company, The Digital Archive Group has created legacy digital archives for the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Rev. Billy Graham and 3-time Olympic Gold medalist Shaun White to name a few. You must have thousands of old pictures, negatives, contracts, journals, etc. lying around that Shelby wants you to do something with! In the case you are personally reading this - great! I hope to have a conversation with you or someone on your team to talk about your legacy. If not, I’ll still be a loyal fan of Cheech and Chong and Tommy Chongs CBD! Best, Jeff Kelch
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Posted 3 years ago
Hey Tommy. Mustafa Ali here. First of all, this isn't a review of Good Vibes & Nice Dreams because I only ordered them last night. Tommy back in the day you and Cheech were the best and I laughed my butt off watching your movies. I am only a few years behind you in age (78 and looking hard at 79) and I have PTSD and acute hearing loss from my time in Viet Nam (too close to cannon fire). I also have arthritis and acute insomnia (VA Rx for Lunesta). This is my main concern. I have tried many CBDs including Delta 8. I live in Jersey where weed is legal but there is only one place to buy it because they are dragging their feet on distribution guidelines, etc. I would really like to buy some buds & put them in a tea ball and boil them, someday maybe. Some of the CBDs I tried got me higher than a kite. I don't need to go there anymore. Some relaxed me, but none helped me sleep. I have some comments about your website. It was a great read right up to the end. Completing my order was a real turn off and I almost shut it down. Too pushy for me, but then I am super distrustful. I would have liked it better if it went like ... try the starter pack and if you like it when you re-order there will discount bundles available for you to save big $$ ... or something like that. But I figured what the hell, for all the fun and laughter you gave me back in the day I'll go for the starter pack and see what happens. I hope you are not offended by this as it is not my intention. OK that's all I wanted to say. Peace & Good Health, Mustafa Ali
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Posted 3 years ago
Hay put that image of Uncle Tommy on T-shirts and I would buy some. "Keep it Burn-en" Peace & Love.
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Posted 3 years ago
Hi Tommy, this is not a memory but still a medical break through for those of us who suffer from tinnitus. I had a sudden hearing loss years ago, I’m 72 now, and also had ringing/buzzing in my ears/ head the was very annoying. My hearing aid person said hearing aids can help tinnitus sufferers and it did some but since I don’t and shouldn’t sleep with them in I was still bothered while trying to sleep. I have been taking your Nice Dreams CBD oil(and I use that term lightly because unlike the previous three cbd oils I tried yours does not at all taste like oil; and it is much less expensive as well!) for 8 months and after 3 or 4 months noticed less tinnitus and for the last 3 months little to NONE ringing or buzzing. I made no connection to the CBD nice dreams until I read an article in an earth and sky email that a deep sleep can help eliminate tinnitus and since your product gets me in a deep sleep it has pretty much eliminate tinnitus. I thought you should know and a hearty thank you from Tom in Colorado
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Posted 3 years ago
Esther Stedman
Verified Reviewer
THANK YOU for your thoughts on Memorial Day. I totally agree. My husband’s father didn’t come home & he grew up without a dad.
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Posted 3 years ago