“Compact but still the same awesome happy hair brush experience. Fits perfectly in my travel wash bag. Purple to match my other brush. Good service & price, amazing brush for your handbag, glovebox or travel kit.”
“My daughter has really curly hair and her hair mats by the end of each day. This brush works miracles on her hair! No more screaming and tears! Thank you so much for this brush!”
“Ummed and ahhed for a year after seeing Adele Barbaro's positive reviews and wish we had taken the leap a year ago. We have gone from tears and tantrums every morning brushing my 4 year olds hair to no fuss at all. Purchased the travel brush as she has fine hair, but will upgrade to the original when she gets bigger. Amazing product!”
“I bought this for our daughter and now refuse to use anything else myself. I dont know how it works so well, but we are sold! Would definitely buy again.”