“This hair brush is every parents dream. Gets through all types of hair easily. Wet or dry. My kids have all different types of hair, and sensitivity to me brushing their hair. No major hairbrushing dramas since I’ve started using this brush. Thanks.”
“Still pulls my hair but isn’t a terrible brush. Was disgusted with the way it was posted out, in a post bag that was far too small for the brush and just taped around the handle with the handle sticking out. When paying for postage I expect my item to arrive in a packet that fits. Overall not very happy with isn’t purchase especially considering the price.”
Hi Sarah, I just wanted to follow up with you that we refunded the full investment you made in your Happy Hair Brush as we agree the shipping should not have ended up as badly damaged as it did. I can assure you we dont post our brushes this way, so all I can think of was that the package was tampered with. Please check your account was credited $45.96 on the 1st of January 2019. Again, sincere apologies for such an unhappy experience. Many thanks, Jen
“So happy with the brush. It has definitely helped the hairbrushing nightmare end with my 4 & 5 year old girls. I love using it on myself too! Thank you!”
“It was still a little hard to brush my daughters long hair but no tears and tantrums are a plus in my home.
No complaining I'm pulling on purpose any more.
No having to have to beg her to come to me for help.
My daughter can brush her hair on her own now when she chooses, she still prefers me to brush it though, at least there's No Tears.”