“Happy Bum organic beans and enema kit has been a life changer for me. I have struggled for over 50 years with not only constipation but other accompanying symptoms. This product has improved all of these issues and then some dramatically. I recommend this product to everyone I can.”
“I can tell this is working its magic, its so powerful - im having to start super low as im senstive to coffee, ive been on the dark blend for about a year and thought id step it up. I had to do the same when i started, i know the effects will be even more amazing to the ones i am already experiencing.”
“Great customer service
Fast delivery
Im going ver slow on this as im a sensitive type, been using happy bum dark roast for almost a year and want to step it up a notch with my detoxing after 10 years in my 20/30s of not taking the best care of myself.”