“This crown unfortunately did not work for me. The color is beautiful but the topper is too thick for me to pass off as real hair on my pin head :-( I had it cut and styled to no avail.”
“At first I didn’t like but after I took to my hair stylist she added more streaks to the part making it more natural looking. Looking forward to my next purchase”
“I have been committed to tape in Extensions for the last 10 yrs. Recently I have found that my sides are thinning quickly. I purchased both the halo and topper and couldn't be more satisfied and happy. Even my hairdresser is looking into purchasing both as she to wears tape in ext. and cannot believe how natural my hair looks. Best part is there is no damage to your own hair. I highly reco this product. I'm looking at potentially investing in the bungee ponytail next!”
“I ordered both crown topper and extensions and I put in a request to return and never heard back from anyone acknowledging my request or disappointment or help with my issue so needless to say I would not recommend.”
“hello, i am satisfied with the colour but not with the fit,
the topper is way to short to my 23inch lenght of my own hair, and if i was to add the long extntion its still to short and allot would have to be cut to try and match to weart all of it, also the extention will NOT stay on my head no matter where i tried to put the wire to make it fit, it keeps slipping off. ive watched many u tubes to make sure im doing it right but nothing helps. mybe my hair is to thin now. if the topper was longer that may be all i realy know but ordering it never gave a longer lenght. i feel i wasted time and money , im disapointed. maybe a wig would be a better fit. I havent been able to wear any of it.”