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Crown Topper®, Light Brown/Darkest Blonde | #8 Original Topper / Rooted Reviews

4.3 Rating 11 Reviews
I Purchased the crown topper for a friend of mine who has cancer, and has had a lot of her own hair fall out from some treatment she’s undergoing.I just happen to have one in ,my store that someone ordered,a very light color,#613 As I was trimming her hair, After her expressing to me how sad she was about the amount of hair she lost but had no bald spots, I thought of the crown topper,So I let her try It on ,and she fell in love with it, Even though it wasn’t her color, She fell in love with it ,Unfortunately she’s going through some hard times ,so I purchased one,in her color,to boost her self esteem and help make her,feel better.I lost my mom to Cancer in 2015,and I not only would never charge one penny over cost,of a wig, if a client of mine has been diagnosed and is going through treatment for cancer ,my service cutting,and cleaning wigs over my career, I do not charge for as well.The only charge, is cost of product, and if the client,falls on hard times financially, because they are going through treatment and cannot work I will then,cover the cost,to purchase, A wig for them.I have been in the business for a very long time and I have to say the Crown Topper is such a amazing alternative depending on the circumstances to wearing a full wig I am so glad that I found this awesome hair piece,Being that I have been in the business so many years I have only dealt with Wigs because I had yet to ever find a piece for the top that Would be easy for the client to put on and look as close to natural I would have before and after of this client but for the moment she is not ready, For pictures but she promised me give her a couple weeks when she’s feeling a little bit better and she will provide me with a couple. It made me feel good to make someone feel good.BLOW SALON 20806 Biscayne Blvd Aventura Florida 33180 Sharon Solano ❤️
4 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I love my new topper! I ordered a lighter color and had my stylist color it. I got a perfect match. The topper hair is beautiful and silky and it is very light weight. I highly recommend this product.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
I purchased the Hidden Crown Topper #8 and it arrived in only 2 days! The color was flawless and as expected. I had ordered a lighter blonde than my natural color with the intention that I would take it in to be matched with my own. The hair quality of this product is phenomenal. It is very thick on the top, and falls down beautifully in length. I couldn't have purchased a better product. I am SO HAPPY!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago