“Overall a great helmet, and always great customer service. The pads that come with it aren't great, but I usually throw in the Epic Team Wendy Pads for a better fit anyway. The chinstrap is pretty standard but I swap that out also. The only thing I'm not fond of is the placement of the hook discs, but I purchased a set of Velcro brand for $5 so no big deal. The most important part is the helmet shell itself, right? In that respect it is top notch and extremely light (even for the XL size that I ordered). Overall I am very happy with this purchase and like stated above, Highcom has always had great customer service.”
“I recently received a high-cut Striker IIIA helmet from HighCom. The helmet is what I expected. However, the chin strap that is included with the helmet is one of the worst retention systems that I have ever encountered. It is difficult to adjust and uncomfortable. I also found that the velcro used to attach the padding does not holt to the helmet.”
Hi Mike, We're so sorry to hear you were unhappy with the helmet retention system on our ACH. We strike to provide quality products and would like to rectify the situation immediately. Please let us know what we can do to make it right? We'd be happy to send another retention system and will look into improving our current setup. Please keep an eye out in your inbox for an email from our customer support team and please do not hesitate to contact us if you require future assistance.