“Tragbares Kettenschloss |
 Die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut soweit ich das beurteilen kann
 Schnelle Lieferung
 Der Preis ist für das Kettenschloss mit Lebenslanger Garantie (10 Jahre) in Ordnung
 Das Kettenschloss ist einfachfach super Aufschließen – Umschnallen mitnehmen und wieder Abschließen.
 Kann ich jeden der gerne sein Fahrrad sicher wissen möchte empfehlen.
F. Pitzinger”
“A good quality "Gold" rated lock. very good quality, however because of this it is heavy, not too bad when wearing it but a heavy object to put in panniers etc, the price you pay for an expensive e-bike!”
“Super design, extremely secure and convenient for carrying around. Gives flexible locking options too. Coming from Leamington Spa, you would expect this level of quality, though… ;)”
“The product fulfills its purpose as a very robust bike lock fully. However, I think the idea of a lock around the waist is a better design for many men's wardrobe, than for many women's wardrobe. I find it hard to use it with the kinds of jackets I wear and end up putting it in my bike basket instead - which I guess is not how it's intended to be used.”